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(all the goodies for our girls)
Weekly discipleship from founder, Allie Schnacky, along with the rest of the Chosen & Free team!
A 5-week zoom call with 50+ other likeminded girls where together we will dive deeper into the topic of emotions, build community & discuss all God’s been revealing to us in the study.
Special access to a GroupMe group chat with all your new friends during the timespan of the study so that growing and being connected to a community becomes apart of your daily routine!
Access to a Spotify playlist made specifically for your study group that will highlight the topics we’re focusing on & make sure you’re set up with the tools you need to keep God at the center of your life.
Emotions of the Heart study by The Daily Grace Co. included as a free gift from Allie!

It’s been way too long & we’re so excited to announce that this August, we will be returning with our Zoom Bible Studies. 🤭
In our first groups, we saw God perform so many miracles, lifelong friendships cultivated, prophecies fulfilled, purposes revealed & believe the best is yet to come in this next chapter!
This upcoming community study will be on the topic of Emotions; what they are and how we’re called to take control of them and use them for God’s glory. 😊
The Zoom will take place on Tuesday or Thursday (depending on your group) and last 5 weeks starting from the week of August 7th and ending the week of September 4th at 7:30pm EST 🫶🏼
With this desire to start the Lord placed on our hearts so heavy & the short amount of time to send out supplies, we will be offering this first Zoom back to our girls in the ✨USA only✨ However, we love our international girlies and plan on finding a at to include everyone future Zooms. 💓
We can’t wait to meet you and to learn more about ourselves as we mold and grow together into the women of God He’s created us to be.

It has brought like-minded women who are role models for my faith.
Chosen and Free gave me a support system I never knew I needed but now can't life without.
I know I do not need to be perfect to be used for His plan, but put my faith in Him to be victorious.
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